There's the whole Universe to have fun. Stay or run?

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∇ 2019.01.04 - Jump City: Robotméhek támadták meg a belvárost. 3000 ember fertőzött, egy harmada már halott vagy haldoklik. Kijárási tilalmat rendeltek el.
∇ 2019.01.05 - Gotham City: A termőföld öntözővizét megfertőzték. Magas koncentrációjú idegméreg vegyült a vízbe. Batman minden erejével azon van, hogy reggel ne induljon be az automatikus öntözés.
∇ 2019.04.30 - Central City: A Testvériség eltakarító törekvései kudarcba fulladtak. Mind az Időtlen Szépség, mind a Vér Hordozója túlélte a gyilkossági kísérletet, azonban a város fizette meg ennek az árát. A nyomornegyed fele összeroppant a reá dőlő épülettől. Még zajlik a kutatás túlélők, illetve holtak után. Felújításról még csak nem is beszélnek.
∇ 2019.05.01 - Jump City: Valaki csúnyán elbánt a várossal. Méhek tucatjai gyilkoltak a belvárosban, felelőst még nem találtak minderre. Az érintett részt karanténba zárták, néhányan fogtak el robotméhet, mely segítség lehet egy ellenszerre, mielőtt majdnem 4 ezer ember pusztul el. Az idő most nagyon nem barát. UPDATE: Cyborg elbukott, a gyilkos méhek több száz ember halálát okozták, ellenszer még sehol, egy-két embernek talán sikerült elfogni egy-egy példányt. A városban hírzárlat van, a kórházak és a hullaház is tömve van.
∇ 2019.09.13 - Gotham City: Deathstroke megbízást kapott Ivy likvidálására s bár teljesen eliminálni nem tudta, de kellően sikerült megzavarnia a növénynőt ahhoz, hogy menekülnie kelljen. Ivy otthona porig égett, benne rakás zsoldos holttesttel készül a jövő termőföldjének amit azonban a Zöld anyja most nem tud figyelemmel kísérni. Slade nyomására egy ideig kénytelen Jump Cityben meghúzni magát, de ez nem jelenti azt, hogy világmegváltó terveit feladná... (játék kronológiailag ez után következik Jump city elesése a robotméhek által)

∇ 2020.03.14 - Amerika: Lila ködszerű anyag lepte el a városokat s bár fájdalom nélkül, de földre kényszerítette a lakosságot. Nem tűnik halálosnak, de senki sincs magánál, hogy biztosat mondjon.
Legutóbbi témák

» The Pact
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Emptyby Vendég Szomb. Jan. 01, 2022 4:50 pm

» Lena Luthor/Danvers
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Emptyby Lena Luthor Csüt. Dec. 23, 2021 9:41 am

» date night with puddin'
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» Gondolkozok... Maria Poppy & Richard E. Wiley
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Emptyby Maria Poppy Szomb. Okt. 09, 2021 7:08 pm

» Stillwater Camp
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Emptyby Pamela Isley Csüt. Szept. 16, 2021 7:08 pm

» Archiválás kérése
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Emptyby Raven Roth Vas. Aug. 22, 2021 7:11 pm
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 John/Slade /Conner modműhelye

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Slade Wilson

Slade Wilson

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Versen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Vzer10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Flashb10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye A_csal10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10
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2018. Mar. 06.
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptySzer. Ápr. 04, 2018 3:47 pm

Kedves mindenki!

A témát elsősorban azért hoztam létre, hogy önmagam számára meg tudjam őrizni azokat a buherálásokat, amiket már meglévő kódokon hajtottam végre.

Nem állok még olyan szinten, hogy magamtól létrehozzak kódokat, így mindig meg fogom jelölni az eredeti kód készítőjét, mint forrást.

A hozzászólást Slade Wilson összesen 1 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb Szer. Aug. 08, 2018 7:43 pm-kor.
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Slade Wilson

Slade Wilson

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Versen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Vzer10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Flashb10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye A_csal10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10
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2018. Mar. 06.
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptySzer. Ápr. 04, 2018 3:49 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

1. verzió:

Valaki & Deathstroke ©️️️

Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!
-I'm Deathstroke. Basicly run.
Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!

I'm called Deathstroke.

It's a bit flamboyant. I like it.

<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Anton', cursive; color: #0000ff; font-size: 55px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;0066cc ">Valaki & Deathstroke<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#0000ff; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #0000ff; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #ff6600; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #0066cc; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #000000"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #0000ff; border-right: 4px solid #0000ff; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!
[color=#0000ff]-I'm Deathstroke. Basicly run.[/color]
Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!

<div style="font-family: 'Anton', cursive; color: #0000ff; font-size: 25px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">I'm called Deathstroke.

It's a bit flamboyant. I like it.</div></div><img src="" style="opacity: 0.8; width: 125px; margin-top: -65px; align: center; "><center><a href="" style="font-family: 'Anton', cursive; color: #0000ff; font-size: 50px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 1x; ">Music</a></center></center>

2. verzió

Valaki & Deathstroke ©️️️️

Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!
-I'm Deathstroke. Basicly run.
Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!

I'm called Deathstroke.

It's a bit flamboyant. I like it.

<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Orbitron', cursive; color: #0000ff; font-size: 40px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;0066cc ">Valaki & Deathstroke<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#0000ff; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #0000ff; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #ff6600; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #0066cc; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #000000"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #0000ff; border-right: 4px solid #0000ff; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!
[color=#0000ff]-I'm Deathstroke. Basicly run.[/color]
Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!

<div style="font-family: 'Orbitron', cursive; color: #0000ff; font-size: 25px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">I'm called Deathstroke.

It's a bit flamboyant. I like it.</div></div><img src="" style="opacity: 0.8; width: 125px; margin-top: -65px; align: center; "><center><a href="" style="font-family: 'Orbitron', cursive; color: #0000ff; font-size: 50px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 1x; ">Music</a></center></center>

3. verzió:

Valaki & Deathstroke ©️️️️️

Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!
-I'm Deathstroke. Basicly run.
Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!

I'm called Deathstroke.

It's a bit flamboyant. I like it.

<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Orbitron', cursive; color: #f95a00; font-size: 40px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #d15d1b; ">Valaki & Deathstroke<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#f95a00; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #f95a00; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #06053b; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #f95a00; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #ffffff"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #f95a00; border-right: 4px solid #d15d1b; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!
[color=#f95a00]-I'm Deathstroke. Basicly run.[/color]
Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!

<div style="font-family: 'Orbitron', cursive; color: #f95a00; font-size: 25px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #d15d1b; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">I'm called Deathstroke.<br><br>It's a bit flamboyant. I like it.</div></div><center><a href=""><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 125px; margin-top: -65px; align: center; "></a></center></center>

A hozzászólást Slade Wilson összesen 7 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb Szer. Május 30, 2018 4:44 pm-kor.
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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2018. Jan. 18.
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Hozzászólások száma :

John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptySzer. Ápr. 04, 2018 3:53 pm

A kód alkotója: Dinah Laurel Lance

1. verzió

Valaki & Constantine ©️️️️️

Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,

- Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,

Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,

I tell you the ultimate secret of magic:

Every cunt can do it.
Some noise for you

<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Sacramento', cursive; color: #ffff66; font-size: 55px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #ffff66; ">Valaki & Constantine<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#ffff66; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #ffff66; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #996633; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #ffff66; color: #000000;"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #ffff66; border-right: 4px solid #ffff66; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,

[color=#ffff66]- Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,[/color]

Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,

<div style="font-family: 'Sacramento', cursive; color: #ffff66; font-size: 25px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 30px; margin-top: 10px; ">I tell you the ultimate secret of magic:<br><br>Every cunt can do it.</div><center><a href="" style="font-family: 'Sacramento', cursive; color: #ffff66; font-size: 50px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; margin-top: 10x; ">Some noise for you</a></center></center></div>

2. verzió

Valaki & Constantine ©️️️️️️

Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,

- Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,

Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,

I tell you the ultimate secret of magic:

Every cunt can do it.
some noise for you

<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'UnifrakturMaguntia', cursive; color: #ffff66; font-size: 55px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #ffff66; ">Valaki & Constantine<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#ffff66; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #ffff66; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #996633; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #ffff66; color: #000000;"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #ffff66; border-right: 4px solid #ffff66; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,

[color=#ffff66]- Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,[/color]

Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae,

<div style="font-family: 'UnifrakturMaguntia', cursive; color: #ffff66; font-size: 25px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 30px; margin-top: 10px; ">I tell you the ultimate secret of magic:<br><br>Every cunt can do it.</div><center><a href="" style="font-family: 'UnifrakturMaguntia', cursive; color: #ffff66; font-size: 50px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; margin-top: 10x; ">some noise for you</a></center></center></div>

A hozzászólást John Constantine összesen 2 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb Kedd Ápr. 17, 2018 10:54 am-kor.
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
Join date :
2018. Jan. 18.
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Ahova a rossz sors vezet
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyKedd Ápr. 10, 2018 2:34 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

1. Verzió:

Valaki és Joker @

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
- Why so serious?
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

A little cacaphony

<br><br><center><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 70px 70px 20px 20px/30px; padding: 20px; background-color: #009900; box-shadow: 6px 3px 60px #660099 inset; text-align: justify; color: #cccccc; "><div style="font-family: 'Dokdo', serif; color: #6600cc; letter-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size: 45px; text-shadow: 3px 2px 10px #cccccc; margin: 15px; ">Valaki és Joker<span style="font-size: 15px; color: #00000; "><a href=""> @</a></span></div><img src="" style="width: 200px; border-radius: 20px 70px 20px 70px/30px; border: 3px solid #6600cc; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #000000 inset; float: left; margin-left: -30px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 30px; padding: 3px;">

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
[color=#660099]- Why so serious?[/color]
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

<img src="" style="width: 70px; float: right; margin: -30px -50px 0 0; transform: rotate(25deg);"><center><a href=""style="font-family: 'Dokdo', serif; color: #6600cc; font-size: 30px; margin: 0 -50px 0 0px; text-shadow: 4px 4px 10px #cccccc; ">A little cacaphony</a></center></div></center>

2. verzió

Valaki és Joker

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
- Why so serious?
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

A little cacaphony

<br><br><center><link href=" Marker" rel="stylesheet"><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 70px 70px 20px 20px/30px; padding: 20px; background-color: #009900; box-shadow: 6px 3px 60px #660099 inset; text-align: justify; color: #cccccc; "><div style="font-family: 'Permanent Marker', serif; color: #6600cc; letter-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size: 30px; text-shadow: 3px 2px 10px #cccccc; margin: 15px; ">Valaki és Joker<span style="font-size: 15px; color: #00000; ">
<a href=""> @</a></span></div>
<img src="" style="width: 200px; border-radius: 20px 70px 20px 70px/30px; border: 3px solid #6600cc; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #000000 inset; float: left; margin-left: -30px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 30px; padding: 3px;">

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
[color=#660099]- Why so serious?[/color]
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

<img src="" style="width: 70px; float: right; margin: -30px -50px 0 0; transform: rotate(25deg);"><center><a href=""style="font-family: 'Permanent Marker', serif; color: #6600cc; font-size: 30px; margin: 0 -50px 0 0px; text-shadow: 4px 4px 10px #cccccc; ">A little cacaphony</a></center></div></center>

3. verzió

Valaki és Joker

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
- Why so serious?
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

A little cacaphony

<br><br><center><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 70px 70px 20px 20px/30px; padding: 20px; background-color: #009900; box-shadow: 6px 3px 60px #660099 inset; text-align: justify; color: #cccccc; "><div style="font-family: 'Zeyada', serif; color: #6600cc; letter-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size: 50px; text-shadow: 3px 2px 10px #cccccc; margin: 15px; ">Valaki és Joker<span style="font-size: 15px; color: #00000; ">
<a href=""> @</a></span></div>
<img src="" style="width: 200px; border-radius: 20px 70px 20px 70px/30px; border: 3px solid #6600cc; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #000000 inset; float: left; margin-left: -30px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 30px; padding: 3px;">

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
[color=#660099]- Why so serious?[/color]
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

<img src="" style="width: 70px; float: right; margin: -30px -50px 0 0; transform: rotate(25deg);"><center><a href=""style="font-family: 'Zeyada', serif; color: #6600cc; font-size: 40px; margin: 0 -50px 0 0px; text-shadow: 4px 4px 10px #cccccc; ">A little cacaphony</a></center></div></center>

4. verzió

Valaki és Joker

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
- Why so serious?
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

A little cacaphony

<br><br><center><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 70px 70px 20px 20px/30px; padding: 20px; background-color: #009900; box-shadow: 6px 3px 60px #660099 inset; text-align: justify; color: #cccccc; transform: rotate(7deg) "><div style="font-family: 'Zeyada', serif; color: #6600cc; letter-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size: 50px; text-shadow: 3px 2px 10px #cccccc; margin: 15px; transform: rotate(-10deg) ">Valaki és Joker<span style="font-size: 15px; color: #00000; ">
<a href=""> @</a></span></div>
<img src="" style="width: 200px; border-radius: 20px 70px 20px 70px/30px; border: 3px solid #6600cc; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #000000 inset; float: left; margin-left: -30px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 30px; padding: 3px; transform: rotate(-8deg)">

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
[color=#660099]- Why so serious?[/color]
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

<img src="" style="width: 70px; float: right; margin: -30px -50px 0 0; transform: rotate(-9deg);"><center><a href=""style="font-family: 'Zeyada', serif; color: #6600cc; font-size: 40px; margin: 0 -50px 0 0px; text-shadow: 4px 4px 10px #cccccc; ">A little cacaphony</a></center></div></center>

5 verzió:


& Joker

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
- Why so serious?
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

A little cacaphony

<br><br><center><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 70px 70px 20px 20px/30px; padding: 20px; background-color: #009900; box-shadow: 6px 3px 60px #660099 inset; text-align: justify; color: #cccccc; transform: rotate(3deg) "><div style="font-family: 'Eater', serif; color: #6600cc; letter-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size: 50px; text-shadow: 3px 2px 10px #cccccc; margin: 15px; transform: rotate(-25deg) ">Valaki<br><br><br>& Joker<span style="font-size: 15px; color: #00000; ">
<a href=""> @</a></span></div>
<img src="" style="width: 200px; border-radius: 20px 70px 20px 70px/30px; border: 3px solid #6600cc; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #000000 inset; float: left; margin-left: -30px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 30px; padding: 3px; transform: rotate(-4deg)">

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
[color=#660099]- Why so serious?[/color]
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

<img src="" style="width: 70px; float: right; margin: -30px -50px 0 0; transform: rotate(-4deg);"><center><a href=""style="font-family: 'Eater', serif; color: #6600cc; font-size: 25px; margin: 0 -50px 0 0px; text-shadow: 4px 4px 10px #cccccc; ">A little cacaphony</a></center></div></center>

A hozzászólást John Constantine összesen 2 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb Szomb. Aug. 18, 2018 2:36 pm-kor.
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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2018. Jan. 18.
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Hozzászólások száma :

John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyKedd Ápr. 17, 2018 12:18 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

Valaki & Zatanna

It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.
It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.
- One dream. One soul. One prize. One goal.
It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a ind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.

Figyeljék a kezemet, mert csalok!
Mundán varázs


<br><br><center><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div style="width: 380px; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; color: #330066; box-shadow: 0 0 20px #ff0000 inset; background-color: #006699; border-radius: 30px/20px;"><div style="font-family: 'Tangerine', cursive; font-size: 44px; color: #ff0000; text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #000000; margin: 20px;">Valaki & Zatanna
<span style="font-size: 15px; color: #ffffff; "><a href=""> @</a></span></div><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; margin: 0 10px 0 -50px; border-radius: 20px/10px; box-shadow: 0 0 10px #ff0000;">

It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.
It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.
[color=#990000]- One dream. One soul. One prize. One goal.[/color]
It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a ind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic.

<div style="font-family: 'Tangerine', cursive; color: #ff0000; font-size: 48px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 30px; margin-top: 10px; ">Figyeljék a kezemet, mert csalok!</div><center><a href="" style="font-family: 'Tangerine', cursive; color: #ff0000; font-size: 40px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; margin-top: 10x; ">Mundán varázs</a></center></center></div>

A hozzászólást John Constantine összesen 1 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb Csüt. Május 03, 2018 4:50 pm-kor.
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
Join date :
2018. Jan. 18.
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Ahova a rossz sors vezet
Hozzászólások száma :

John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyVas. Ápr. 22, 2018 3:01 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

Leendő Supermanünknek:

1 verzió:

Valaki & Clark ©️️️️

The last son of Krypton. The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.

-It's not an S. Where I came from, it means hope.

The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.

There is a superhero in all of us.

We just need the courage to put on the cape.
The Fanfare

<br><br><center><link href=' 2' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Exo 2', cursive; color: #ff0000; font-size: 55px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;ffff00 ">Valaki & Clark<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#0000ff; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #ff0000; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #3399ff; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #ffff00; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #000000"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #ff0000; border-right: 4px solid #ffff00; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

The last son of Krypton. The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.

[color=#ff0000]-It's not an S. Where I came from it means hope.[/color]

The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.

<div style="font-family: 'Exo 2', cursive; color: #ff0000; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #ffff00; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">There is a superhero in all of us.<br><br>We just need the courage to put on the cape.</div></div><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 200px; margin-top: -38px; align: center; "><center><a href=""" style="font-family: 'Exo 2', cursive; color: #ff0000; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 1x; ">The Fanfare</a></center></center>

2. Verzió

Valaki & Clark ©️️️️

The last son of Krypton. The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.

-It's not an S. Where I came from, it means hope.

The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.

There is a superhero in all of us.

We just need the courage to put on the cape.
The Fanfare

<br><br><center><link href=' 2' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Exo 2', cursive; color: #990000; font-size: 55px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;ffff00 ">Valaki & Clark<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#990000; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #990000; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #003366; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #ffff00; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #ffffff"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #990000; border-right: 4px solid #ffff00; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

The last son of Krypton. The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.

[color=#ff0000]-It's not an S. Where I came from, it means hope.[/color]

The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.The last son of Krypton.

<div style="font-family: 'Exo 2', cursive; color: #990000; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">There is a superhero in all of us.<br><br>We just need the courage to put on the cape.</div></div><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 200px; margin-top: -38px; align: center; "><center><a href=""" style="font-family: 'Exo 2', cursive; color: #990000; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 1x; ">The Fanfare</a></center></center>

A hozzászólást John Constantine összesen 5 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb Pént. Május 11, 2018 6:54 pm-kor.
Vissza az elejére Go down
John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
Join date :
2018. Jan. 18.
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Ahova a rossz sors vezet
Hozzászólások száma :

John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptySzer. Ápr. 25, 2018 1:35 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

1. változat

Valaki& Harley @

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
- Hey Mr. J! Don't you wanna ride your Harley? Vroom! Vroom!
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

Can I play with madness?

<br><br><center><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 70px 70px 20px 20px/30px; padding: 20px; background-color: #000000; box-shadow: 6px 3px 60px #ff0000 inset; text-align: justify; color: #ff0000; transform: rotate(-8deg) "><div style="font-family: 'Dokdo', serif; color: #ffffff; letter-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size: 45px; text-shadow: 3px 2px 10px #ffffff; margin: 15px; transform: rotate(10deg) ">Valaki& Harley<span style="font-size: 15px; color: #00000; "><a href=""> @</a></span></div><img src="" style="width: 200px; border-radius: 20px 70px 20px 70px/30px; border: 3px solid #ffffff; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #000000 inset; float: left; margin-left: -30px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 30px; padding: 3px;  transform: rotate(6deg)">

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
[color=#ffffff]- Hey Mr. J! Don't you wanna ride your Harley? Vroom! Vroom![/color]
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

<img src="" style="width: 140px; float: right; margin: -30px -50px 0 0; border-radius: 20px 70px 20px 70px/30px border: 3px solid #ff0000; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #ffffff inset; transform: rotate(-15deg);"><center><a href=""style="font-family: 'Dokdo', serif; color: #ffffff; font-size: 25px; margin: 0 -50px 0 0px; text-shadow: 4px 4px 10px #ff0000; ">Can I play with madness?</a></center></div></center>

2. változat

Orvos: Harleyquinn

Betege: valaki @

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
- Hey Mr. J! Don't you wanna ride your Harley? Vroom! Vroom!
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

Can I play with madness?

<br><br><center><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 70px 70px 20px 20px/30px; padding: 20px; background-color: #000000; box-shadow: 6px 3px 60px #ff0000 inset; text-align: justify; color: #ff0000; transform: rotate(8deg) "><div style="font-family: 'Dokdo', serif; color: #ffffff; letter-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size: 45px; text-shadow: 3px 2px 10px #ffffff; margin: 15px; transform: rotate(-10deg) ">Orvos: Harleyquinn<br><br>Betege: valaki<span style="font-size: 15px; color: #00000; "><a href=""> @</a></span></div><img src="" style="width: 200px; border-radius: 20px 70px 20px 70px/30px; border: 3px solid #ffffff; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #000000 inset; float: left; margin-left: -30px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 30px; padding: 3px; transform: rotate(-6deg)">

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
[color=#ffffff]- Hey Mr. J! Don't you wanna ride your Harley? Vroom! Vroom![/color]
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

<img src="" style="width: 140px; float: right; margin: -30px -50px 0 0; border-radius: 20px 70px 20px 70px/30px border: 3px solid #ff0000; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #ffffff inset; transform: rotate(-15deg);"><center><a href=""style="font-family: 'Dokdo', serif; color: #ffffff; font-size: 25px; margin: 0 -50px 0 0px; text-shadow: 4px 4px 10px #ff0000; ">Can I play with madness?</a></center></div></center>

3 verzió:



Betege: valaki @

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
- Hey Mr. J! Don't you wanna ride your Harley? Vroom! Vroom!
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

Can I play with madness?

<br><br><center><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 70px 70px 20px 20px/30px; padding: 20px; background-color: #000000; box-shadow: 6px 3px 60px #ff0000 inset; text-align: justify; color: #ff0000; transform: rotate(3deg) "><div style="font-family: 'Eater', serif; color: #ffffff; letter-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size: 25px; text-shadow: 3px 2px 10px #ffffff; margin: 15px; transform: rotate(-4deg) ">Orvos:<br><br> Harleyquinn<br><br>Betege: valaki<span style="font-size: 15px; color: #00000; "><a href=""> @</a></span></div><img src="" style="width: 200px; border-radius: 20px 70px 20px 70px/30px; border: 3px solid #ffffff; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #000000 inset; float: left; margin-left: -30px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 30px; padding: 3px; transform: rotate(-2deg)">

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!
[color=#ffffff]- Hey Mr. J! Don't you wanna ride your Harley? Vroom! Vroom![/color]
Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!Ha ha ha ha!

<img src="" style="width: 140px; float: right; margin: -30px -50px 0 0; border-radius: 20px 70px 20px 70px/30px border: 3px solid #ff0000; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #ffffff inset; transform: rotate(-7deg);"><center><a href=""style="font-family: 'Eater', serif; color: #ffffff; font-size: 25px; margin: 0 -50px 0 0px; text-shadow: 4px 4px 10px #ff0000; ">Can I play with madness?</a></center></div></center>

A hozzászólást John Constantine összesen 3 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb Szomb. Aug. 18, 2018 2:30 pm-kor.
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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2018. Jan. 18.
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Hozzászólások száma :

John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyKedd Május 01, 2018 9:18 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

Valaki & John ©️️️️️️

United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps
United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps
- Retreat? Hell, we just got here!
United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps

Beware my power!

Green Lantern's light!
Marching song


<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Orbitron', cursive; color: #006600; font-size: 55px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #ffffff; ">Valaki & John<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#006600; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #006600; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #000000; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #ffffff; color: #ffffff;"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #006600; border-right: 4px solid #006600; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps
United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps
[color=#006600]- Retreat? Hell, we just got here! [/color]
United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine CorpsUnited States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps

<div style="font-family: 'Orbitron', cursive; color: #006600; font-size: 25px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 30px; margin-top: 10px; ">Beware my power!<br><br>Green Lantern's light!</div><center><a href="" style="font-family: 'Orbitron', cursive; color: #006600; font-size: 18px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; margin-top: 10x; ">Marching song</a></center></center></div>
Vissza az elejére Go down
John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
Join date :
2018. Jan. 18.
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Ahova a rossz sors vezet
Hozzászólások száma :

John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyKedd Május 01, 2018 10:22 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

Valaki & Kory ©️️️️️

Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.
- Mustard is love. Mustard is life. Do you have mustard?
Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.

There will always be people who say

mean words because you are


<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Sacramento', cursive; color: #990000; font-size: 45px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;ff0000 ">Valaki & Kory<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#00ff00; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #00ff00; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #cc6600; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #99ff99; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #000000"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #00ff00; border-right: 4px solid #00ff00; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.
[color=#990000]- Mustard is love. Mustard is life. Do you have mustard?[/color]
Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.Princess from another world.

<div style="font-family: 'Sacramento', cursive; color: #990000; font-size: 30px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #ff0000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">There will always be people who say<br><br>mean words because you are<br><br> different.</div></div><img src="" style="opacity: 0.8; width: 375px; margin-top: -75px; align: center; "><center><a href="" style="font-family: 'Sacramento', cursive; color: #990000; font-size: 50px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #ff0000; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 1x; ">Music</a></center></center>
Vissza az elejére Go down
John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
Join date :
2018. Jan. 18.
Age :
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Ahova a rossz sors vezet
Hozzászólások száma :

John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyCsüt. Május 03, 2018 5:43 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

1 verzió:

Valaki & Batman ©️️️️️

Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na....

-Knock knock. Who's there? Beac. Beac who? Because I'm Batman!

Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na....

I am vengeance! I am the night!

I'm Batman!

<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Quicksand', cursive; color: #ffcc00; font-size: 55px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;ffff00 ">Valaki & Batman<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#ffcc00; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #ffcc00; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #000000; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #ffcc00; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #ffffff"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #ffcc00; border-right: 4px solid #ffcc00; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na....

[color=#ffcc00]-Knock knock. Who's there? Beac. Beac who? Because I'm Batman![/color]

Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na.... Na na na na na na na na....

<div style="font-family: 'Quicksand', cursive; color: #ffcc00; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">I am vengeance! I am the night!<br><br>I'm Batman!</div></div><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 150px; margin-top: -45px; align: center; "><center><a href=""" style="font-family: 'Quicksand', cursive; color: #ffcc00; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 1x; ">Bat-music</a></center></center>

A hozzászólást John Constantine összesen 2 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb Pént. Május 11, 2018 6:59 pm-kor.
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
Join date :
2018. Jan. 18.
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Ahova a rossz sors vezet
Hozzászólások száma :

John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyCsüt. Május 03, 2018 6:24 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

Valaki & Selina ©️️️️️

Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow

- Ding, dong, bell,
Pussy’s in the well.
Who put her in?
Little Johnny Thin.
Who pulled her out?
Little Tommy Stout.
What a naughty boy was that,
To drown a pussy cat?
Who never did any harm?
But scared all the mice
In the Farmer's barn.

Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow

Four, five, still alive...

<br><br><center><link href=' Script' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Dancing Script', cursive; color: #7a7978; font-size: 55px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;000000 ">Valaki & Selina<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#ffcc00; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #7A7978; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #1b1b1b; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #7a7978; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #7a7978"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #7a7978; border-right: 4px solid #7a7978; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow

[center][color=#0099ff]- Ding, dong, bell,
Pussy’s in the well.
Who put her in?
Little Johnny Thin.
Who pulled her out?
Little Tommy Stout.
What a naughty boy was that,
To drown a pussy cat?
Who never did any harm?
But scared all the mice
In the Farmer's barn.[/color][/center]

Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow

<div style="font-family: 'Dancing Script', cursive; color: #7a7978; font-size: 30px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">Four, five, still alive...</div></div><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 100px; margin-top: -45px; align: center; "><center><a href="" style="font-family: 'Dancing Script', cursive; color: #7a7978; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 1x; ">Meow</a></center></center>
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
Join date :
2018. Jan. 18.
Age :
Tartózkodási hely :
Ahova a rossz sors vezet
Hozzászólások száma :

John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyVas. Május 06, 2018 2:44 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

Valaki & Giganta ©️️️️️️

Attack of the 50ft woman. Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.
- When I grown up, I'll be a supervillian.
Attack of the 50ft woman. Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.

Your 50 feet of good is now

matched by my 50 feet of evil!
Independent woman

<br><br><center><link href=' Flower' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Indie Flower', cursive; color: #c1c128; font-size: 55px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #d2d200; ">Valaki & Giganta<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#c1c128; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #c1c128; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #000000; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #d2d200; color: #ffffff;"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #c1c128; border-right: 4px solid #c1c128; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Attack of the 50ft woman. Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.
[color=#c1c128]- When I grown up, I'll be a supervillian.[/color]
Attack of the 50ft woman. Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.Attack of the 50ft woman.

<div style="font-family: 'Indie Flower', cursive; color: #c1c128; font-size: 22px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #d2d200; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 30px; margin-top: 10px; "> Your 50 feet of good is now<br><br> matched by my 50 feet of evil!</div><center><a href="" style="font-family: 'Indie Flower', cursive; color: #c1c128; font-size: 14px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #d2d200; margin-top: 10x; ">Independent woman</a></center></center></div>
Vissza az elejére Go down
John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
Join date :
2018. Jan. 18.
Age :
Tartózkodási hely :
Ahova a rossz sors vezet
Hozzászólások száma :

John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyKedd Május 08, 2018 4:03 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

Valaki & Constantine ©️️️️

Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate!
- My name is John Constantine. I drive your demons away. I am the one who steps out from the shadows, all trenchcoat and arrogance. Kick them in the bollocks and smoke like a forestfire. I walk my path alone. Because let's be honest: Who is crazy enough to follow me?
Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate!


The ultimate tool with the ultimate


<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Skranji', cursive; color: #736966; font-size: 45px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;736966 ">Valaki & Constantine<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#736966; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #736966; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #4c1500; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #736966; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #ffffff"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #736966; border-right: 4px solid #736966; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate!
[color=#ffff66]- My name is John Constantine. I drive your demons away. I am the one who steps out from the shadows, all trenchcoat and arrogance. Kick them in the bollocks and smoke like a forestfire. I walk my path alone. Because let's be honest: Who is crazy enough to follow me?[/color]
Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate!

<div style="font-family: 'Skranji', cursive; color: #736966; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">Magic.<br><br>The ultimate tool with the ultimate<br><br>sacrifice.</div></div><center><a href="" ><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 375px; margin-top: -100px; align: center; "></a></center></center>

John Constantine

Balszerencsés flótás


Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate!
- My name is John Constantine. I drive your demons away. I am the one who steps out from the shadows, all trenchcoat and arrogance. Kick them in the bollocks and smoke like a forestfire. I walk my path alone. Because let's be honest: Who is crazy enough to follow me?
Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate!


The ultimate tool with the ultimate


<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><table><tr><td><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<div style="width: 150px; height: 80px; border-radius: 10px; padding: 20px; background:url(; color: #000000;"><div style="font-family: 'Cinzel', cursive; font-size: 20px; margin-top: 20px; ">[u]John Constantine[/u]</div>
<td><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<div style="width: 150px; height: 80px; border-radius: 10px; padding: 20px; background:url(; color: #000000;"><div style="font-family: 'Cinzel', cursive; font-size: 20px; margin-top: 20px; ">[u]Balszerencsés flótás[/u]</div>
</center></div></td></tr></table><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️</a></div><center><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #736966; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #4c1500; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #736966; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #ffffff"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #736966; border-right: 4px solid #736966; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate!
[color=#ffff66]- My name is John Constantine. I drive your demons away. I am the one who steps out from the shadows, all trenchcoat and arrogance. Kick them in the bollocks and smoke like a forestfire. I walk my path alone. Because let's be honest: Who is crazy enough to follow me?[/color]
Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate!

<div style="font-family: 'Skranji', cursive; color: #736966; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">Magic.<br><br>The ultimate tool with the ultimate<br><br>sacrifice.</div></div><center><a href="" ><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 375px; margin-top: -100px; align: center; "></a></center></center></center>


Victorian Age


& Mr. John Constantine ©️️️️️

Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate!
- My name is John Constantine. I drive your demons away. I am the one who steps out from the shadows, all trenchcoat and arrogance. Kick them in the bollocks and smoke like a forestfire. I walk my path alone. Because let's be honest: Who is crazy enough to follow me?
Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate!


The ultimate tool with the ultimate


<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'MedievalSharp', cursive; color: #736966; font-size: 45px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;736966 ">Elseworlds<br><br>Victorian Age<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#736966; "></div><br><br><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #736966; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #4c1500; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #736966; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #ffffff"><div style="font-family: 'MedievalSharp', cursive; text-align: center; color: #736966; font-size: 25px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;ffff66 margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px;">Valaki<br><br> & Mr. John Constantine<span style="font-size: 8px; line-height: normal; color:#ffff66; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️</a></div><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #736966; border-right: 4px solid #736966; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; ">

Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate!
[color=#ffff66]- My name is John Constantine. I drive your demons away. I am the one who steps out from the shadows, all trenchcoat and arrogance. Kick them in the bollocks and smoke like a forestfire. I walk my path alone. Because let's be honest: Who is crazy enough to follow me?[/color]
Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate! Bloody hell mate!

<div style="font-family: 'MedievalSharp', cursive; color: #736966; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">Magic.<br><br>The ultimate tool with the ultimate<br><br>sacrifice.</div></div><center><a href="" ><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 175px; margin-top: -40px; align: center; "></a></center></center>

A hozzászólást John Constantine összesen 4 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb Kedd Okt. 08, 2019 10:27 am-kor.
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Slade Wilson

Slade Wilson

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Versen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Vzer10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Flashb10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye A_csal10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyHétf. Május 14, 2018 9:54 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

Valaki & Garfield ©️️️️️

Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!
- Dudes and dudets!
Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!

Consider this a warning.

As of last night,

Mr. Nice guy has left the building.

<br><br><center><link href=' Ya Like A Sister' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Love Ya Like A Sister', cursive; color: #14571c; font-size: 45px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;4db159 ">Valaki & Garfield<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#14571c; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #14571c; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #471054; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #14571c; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #ffffff"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #14571c; border-right: 4px solid #14571c; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!
[color=#4db159]- Dudes and dudets![/color]
Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah! Chill brah!

<div style="font-family: 'Love Ya Like A Sister', cursive; color: #14571c; font-size: 24px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #471054; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">Consider this a warning.<br><br>As of last night,<br><br>Mr. Nice guy has left the building.</div></div><center><a href="" ><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 300px; margin-top: -60px; align: center; "></a></center></center>
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Slade Wilson

Slade Wilson

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Versen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Vzer10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Flashb10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye A_csal10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10
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2018. Mar. 06.
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyKedd Május 15, 2018 9:08 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

Törpman Bates-nek szeretettel!



Tortured soul:

Valaki @

Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.
Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.
- How do you strech a tiny vagina? Just put yourself in, and deshrink the neccesarry parts.
Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.

Some weird-ass

helium influenced shit

<br><br><center><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div style="width: 380px; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #272540; box-shadow: 0 0 20px #6b97ed inset; border-radius: 30px/20px; transform: rotate(6deg)"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: right; margin: -35px -70px 0 0; transform: rotate(-10deg);"><div style="font-family: 'Dokdo', cursive; font-size: 30px; color: #2e1ef3; text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #272540; margin: 20px; transform: rotate(6deg);">Performer:<br><br>Dwarfstar<br><br>Tortured soul:<br><br> Valaki<span style="font-size: 15px; color:#6b97ed; "><a href=""> @</a></span></div><img src="" style="width: 150px; float: left; margin: 0 10px 0 -50px; border-radius: 20px/10px; box-shadow: 0 0 10px #6b97ed;">

Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.
Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.
[color=#2e1ef3]- How do you strech a tiny vagina? Just put yourself in, and deshrink the neccesarry parts.[/color]
Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties. Asses and titties.

<center><a href="" style="font-family: 'Dokdo', cursive; color: #2e1ef3; font-size: 28px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #272540; margin-top: 10x; ">Some weird-ass<br><br>helium influenced shit</a></center></center></div>
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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2018. Jan. 18.
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptySzomb. Jún. 02, 2018 10:02 pm

Az eredeti kódot elkészítette: Dinah Laurel Lance

Valaki & Jason ©️️️️️

Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.
- I hate crowbars
Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.

But there are some crimes,


even Gotham can't wash away.

<br><br><center><link href=' the Great' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Fredericka the Great', cursive; color: #Ae0004; font-size: 45px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;ffffff ">Valaki & Jason<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#ae0004; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #d60000; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #5d1f20; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #000000; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #ffffff"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #AE0004; border-right: 4px solid #000000; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.
[color=#d60000]- I hate crowbars[/color]
Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward. Batman is a the worst kind of coward.

<div style="font-family: 'Fredericka the Great', cursive; color: #ae0004; font-size: 24px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">But there are some crimes,<br><br>sins,<br><br>even Gotham can't wash away.</div></div><center><a href="" ><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 150px; margin-top: -25px; align: center; "></a></center></center>
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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2018. Jan. 18.
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyCsüt. Jún. 21, 2018 2:21 pm

Valaki & Question ©️️️️️️

Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us.
-I see connections you'll never discover.
Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us.

Not conspiracies.


Whispers of the city

<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Bitter', cursive; color: #fff200; font-size: 40px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; ">Valaki & Question<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#2b187e; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #2b187e; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #06053b; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #2b187e; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #ffffff"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #2b187e; border-right: 4px solid #2b187e; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us.
[color=#fff200]-I see connections you'll never discover.[/color]
Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us. Them try to erradicate us.

<div style="font-family: 'Bitter', cursive; color: #fff200; font-size: 25px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #1f0886; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 15px; ">Not conspiracies.<br><br>THE CONSPIRACY.</div>
<center><a href="" style="font-family: 'Bitter', cursive; color: #fff200; font-size: 14px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #272540; margin-top: 10x; ">Whispers of the city</a></center></center></div>
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyVas. Júl. 01, 2018 8:37 pm

Valaki & Conner ©️️️️️

The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
- Maybe I'm a half-blood, but I'm all hero.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.

No capes. No tights. No offense.

<br><br><center><link href=' Sans' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Josefin Sans', cursive; color: #990000; font-size: 55px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #990000; ">Valaki & Conner<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#990000; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 20px 120px 20px 120px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #990000; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #000000; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #000000; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #ffffff"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #990000; border-right: 4px solid #990000; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
[color=#990000]- Maybe I'm a half-blood, but I'm all hero.[/color]
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.
The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel. The boy of Steel.

<div style="font-family: 'Josefin Sans', cursive; color: #990000; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">No capes. No tights. No offense.</div></div><center><a href=""" style="font-family: 'Exo 2', cursive; color: #990000; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 1x; "><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 200px; margin-top: -60px; align: center; "></a></center></center>
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyHétf. Júl. 02, 2018 9:10 pm


& Barry ©️️️️️️

The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive.
The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive.
- Supermetabolism. That's my diet.
The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive.

The Scarlet Speedster

<br><br><center><link href=' Script' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Kaushan Script', cursive; color: #fffa3a; font-size: 50px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;ffff66 ">Valaki<br><br><br>& Barry<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#fffa3a; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #fffa3a; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #871000; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #000000; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #ffffff"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #fffa3a; border-right: 4px solid #fffa3a; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive.
The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive.
[color=#FFFA3A]- Supermetabolism. That's my diet.[/color]
The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive. The fastest man alive.

<div style="font-family: 'Kaushan Script', cursive; color: #fffa3a; font-size: 35px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #ffff66; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">The Scarlet Speedster<br><br></div></div><center><a href="" ><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 150px; margin-top: -90px; align: center; "></a></center></center>
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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2018. Jan. 18.
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptySzomb. Júl. 21, 2018 9:12 pm

Az első teljesen saját kódom. Még elég sufni-tuning a kódolás jellege, de Pelikán Józsefet idézve: Kicsit sárga, kicsit savanyú, de az enyém. Very Happy

Te nyomozol Társad társaságában:
1 perce

King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies.
King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies.

-Let me take a selfie.

King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies.King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies.

4516 embernek tetszik         146 hozzászólás    68 megosztás

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[color=#2F17AA][b]Te[/b][/color] nyomozol [color=#2f17aa]Társad[/color] társaságában:
1 perce

King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies.
King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies.

[color=#2F17aa]-Let me take a selfie.[/color]

King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies.King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies. King of selfies.
[color=#524880]4516 embernek tetszik         146 hozzászólás    68 megosztás[/color]
[color=#524880]Tetszik                                Hozzászólás                        Megosztás[/color]<br><br>
<center><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️️️</a></center>
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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2018. Jan. 18.
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyKedd Júl. 24, 2018 3:33 pm

The last daughter of Krypton. The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.
- For the love of Rao!
The last daughter of Krypton. The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.

The Girl of Steel

<br><br><center><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Lobster', cursive; color: #fffa3a; font-size: 50px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;ffff66 ">Valaki<br><br><br>& Kara<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#fffa3a; "><a href="" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️️️</a></div><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 100px 30px 100px/100px 30px 100px 30px; border: 4px solid #9d0000; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #0C39A0; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #fffa3a; padding-bottom: 80px; color: #ffffff"><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 20px 90px 20px 90px/90px 20px 90px 20px; border-left: 4px solid #fffa3a; border-right: 4px solid #fffa3a; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; ">

The last daughter of Krypton. The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.
[color=#ffe100]- For the love of Rao![/color]
The last daughter of Krypton. The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.The last daughter of Krypton.

<div style="font-family: 'Lobster', cursive; color: #ffe100; font-size: 35px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #9d0000; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">The Girl of Steel<br><br></div></div><center><a href="" ><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 150px; margin-top: -30px; align: center; "></a></center></center>
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John Constantine

John Constantine

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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptySzer. Aug. 08, 2018 5:33 pm





Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!
-I'm Deathstroke. Basicly run.
Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!

I'm called Deathstroke.

It's a bit flamboyant. I like it.


<div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 50px 50px 50px 50px/50px 50px 50px 50px; border: 5px solid #f95a00; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background-color: #06053b; box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #f95a00; padding-bottom: 120px; color: #ffffff">
<img src="" style="width: 190px; height: 107px; margin-top: 5px; border-radius: 50px 0px 0px 50px; border-top: 5px; solid #f95a00; box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px color=#f95a00; float: ;"><img src="" style="width: 190px; height: 107px; margin-top: 5px; border-radius: 0px 50px 50px 0px; border-top: 5px; solid #f95a00; box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px color=#f95a00; float: center;"><br><br>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Orbitron';font-size: 28px; color:#f95500 ;text-shadow:2px 2px 3px black; margin-top: -10px; text-align: center">Target:<br><br> Somebody<br><br>Assassin:<br><br>Deathstroke</div>

Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!
[color=#f95a00]-I'm Deathstroke. Basicly run.[/color]
Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!Run! run away! Hide!

<div style="font-family: 'Orbitron', cursive; color: #f95a00; font-size: 25px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #d15d1b; text-align: center; margin-bottom: -20px; margin-top: 15px; ">I'm called Deathstroke.<br><br>It's a bit flamboyant. I like it.<br><br><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#f95a00; "><a href="]" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️️</a></div></div></a><center><a href=""><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 125px; margin-top: -67px; align: center; "></a></center></center>

A hozzászólást John Constantine összesen 1 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb Kedd Szept. 04, 2018 5:02 pm-kor.
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyKedd Aug. 14, 2018 3:18 pm

1. verzió

Valaki & Victor ©️️️️️️️

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- Fatalities are not permitted.
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[color=#6cb359]- Fatalities are not permitted.[/color]
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<center><a href="" ><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 250px; margin-top: -92px; align: center; "></a></div></center></center>

2. verzió


& Victor ©️️️️️️️

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- Fatalities are not permitted.
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<link href=' Start 2P' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Press Start 2P';font-size: 30px; color:#256b12 ;text-shadow:2px 2px 3px black; margin-top: -10px; text-align: center"> Valaki<br><br> & Victor<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#f95a00; "><a href="]" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️️️</a></div><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px/10px 10px 10px 10px; border: 15px solid #ffffff; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; ">

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[color=#6cb359]- Fatalities are not permitted.[/color]
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<center><a href="" ><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 250px; margin-top: -92px; align: center; "></a></div></center></center>
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptyKedd Okt. 09, 2018 5:14 pm

Valaki & Kal-El


Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.
Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.
- I grew up in Kansas, General. I'm about as American as it gets.
Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.
Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.

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<div style="font-family: 'Francois One', cursive; color: #000000; font-size: 40px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;000000 "><center><br>Valaki & Kal-El</center><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#000000; "></div>
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<img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left;  border: 4px solid #000000; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.
Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.
[color=#1323BE]- I grew up in Kansas, General. I'm about as American as it gets.[/color]
Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.
Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.


Valaki & Kal-El


Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.
Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.
- I grew up in Kansas, General. I'm about as American as it gets.
Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.
Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.

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<div style="font-family: 'Francois One', cursive; color: #000000; font-size: 40px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #;000000 "><center><br>Valaki & Kal-El</center><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#000000; "></div>
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<img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left;  border: 4px solid #000000; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; ">

Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.
Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.
[color=#1323BE]- I grew up in Kansas, General. I'm about as American as it gets.[/color]
Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.
Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge. Today, with another incredible display of his powers, Superman have saved a a schoolbus falling out from a bridge.


A hozzászólást John Constantine összesen 1 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb Szer. Jún. 12, 2019 9:16 pm-kor.
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John Constantine

John Constantine

Plecsnik :
John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Origin12John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bushpi10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oracle11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Baaatp10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Two-fa11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dcunit11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Olipic10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Sladep10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Bats_a10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Wondip10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Dickst11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Mobius11John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Nov12011John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Einste10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Pedzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Oknyom10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Projek10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Tell_v10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Kezd_g10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Titzen10John/Slade /Conner modműhelye Turist10
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2018. Jan. 18.
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Ahova a rossz sors vezet
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TémanyitásTárgy: Re: John/Slade /Conner modműhelye   John/Slade /Conner modműhelye EmptySzer. Nov. 14, 2018 4:35 pm


& Vandal ©️️️️️️️️

And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
- I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings, yeah, yeah
I have no rival, no man can be my equal

And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all

<center><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 70px 30px 70px/70px 30px 70px 30px; border: 3px solid #730300; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background:url(; box-shadow: 6px 6px 10px #4D260B; padding-bottom: 120px; color: #730300">
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Griffy';font-size: 50px; color:#FF1800;text-shadow:2px 2px 3px black; margin-top: -10px; text-align: center"> Valaki<br><br> & Vandal<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#730300; "><a href="]" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️️️️</a></div><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 30px 70px 30px 70px/30px 70px 30px 70px; border: 3px solid #730300; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; ">

And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
[color=#D71400]- I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings, yeah, yeah
I have no rival, no man can be my equal[/color]
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
<center><a href="" ><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 250px; margin-top: -72px; align: center; "></a></div></center></div></center>

And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
- I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings, yeah, yeah
I have no rival, no man can be my equal

And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all

<center><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 70px 30px 70px/70px 30px 70px 30px; border: 3px solid #730300; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background:url(; box-shadow: 6px 6px 10px #FF1800; padding-bottom: 120px; color: #FF1800">
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Griffy';font-size: 50px; color:#FF1800;text-shadow:2px 2px 3px black; margin-top: -10px; text-align: center"> Valaki<br>& Vandal<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#FF1800; "><a href="]" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️️️️️</a></div><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 30px 70px 30px 70px/30px 70px 30px 70px; border: 3px solid #FF1800; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; ">

And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
[color=#D71400]- I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings, yeah, yeah
I have no rival, no man can be my equal[/color]
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
<center><a href="" ><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 250px; margin-top: -72px; align: center; "></a></div></center></div></center>

And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
- I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings, yeah, yeah
I have no rival, no man can be my equal

And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all

<center><div style="width: 380px; border-radius: 30px 70px 30px 70px/70px 30px 70px 30px; border: 3px solid #730300; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; background:url(; box-shadow: 6px 6px 10px #FF1800; padding-bottom: 120px; color: #ffffff">
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><div style="font-family: 'Griffy';font-size: 50px; color:#FF1800;text-shadow:2px 2px 3px black; margin-top: -10px; text-align: center"> Valaki<br>& Vandal<span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: normal; color:#FF1800; "><a href="]" class="postlink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ©️️️️️️️️️️</a></div><img src="" style="width: 200px; float: left; border-radius: 30px 70px 30px 70px/30px 70px 30px 70px; border: 3px solid #FF1800; margin-left: -50px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; ">

And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
[color=#89CBD7]- I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings, yeah, yeah
I have no rival, no man can be my equal[/color]
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
And here we are, we're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rulers of you all
<center><a href="" ><img src="" style="opacity: 1; width: 250px; margin-top: -72px; align: center; "></a></div></center></div></center>
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